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Pusat pembelajaran

Universiti Terbuka Malaysia ataupun Open University Malaysia merupakan salah sebuah institusi pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Universiti ini menjalankan pendidikan jarak jauh, pengajian secara dalam talian atau bersemuka. Universiti ini lebih menumpukan kepada pekerja yang ingin mendapatkan pendidikan pengajian tinggi secara separa penuh.

Universiti Terbuka Malaysia (UNITEM) merupakan sebuah Universiti Terbuka pertama ditubuhkan di Malaysia. Universiti ini ditubuhkan dan dimiliki oleh Multimedia Technology Enhancement Operations (METEOR) Sdn. Bhd. iaitu gabungan atau konsortium 11 universiti Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam Utama di Malaysia. Ia merupakan institusi pengajian tinggi yang pertama menggunakan kaedah 'ODL' (Open Distance Learning) secara interaktif.[perlu rujukan]
Kini, Universiti Terbuka Malaysia mempunyai Pusat Pembelajaran di seluruh Malaysia. Antaranya di Kolej Telekom Taiping, Pusat Matriks Universiti Islam AntarabangsaPetaling JayaUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Universiti Terbuka Malaysia mempunyai pusat pembelajaran wilayah di Kelantan, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Johor, Sabah dan Sarawak.

University Profile

In August 1999, the Minister of Education invited Multimedia Technology Enhancement Operations Sdn Bhd (METEOR), a consortium of 11 public universities in the country, to set up an open university.
This led to the establishment of OUM in August 2000 followed by its launch on 26 August 2002 by the then Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad. With the motto “University for All”, OUM believes in the democratisation of education, giving everyone a chance at self-actualisation and fulfilling their potential.


The OUM logo is derived from a combination of the letters “O” and “U”. These letters have been creatively styled in a round dynamic graphic form to express the concept of globalisation of knowledge through the open and distance learning (ODL) mode.
The University’s corporate colours of blue and silver portray a modern and progressive institution of higher learning. The slant in the logo illustrates the University’s continuous progress as one of the premier ODLuniversities in the world.


To be the Leading Provider of Flexible Learning


To widen access to quality education and provide lifelong learning opportunities by leveraging on technology, adopting flexible mode of learning, and providing a conducive and engaging learning environment at competitive and affordable cost

Shared Values

  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Caring
  • Teamwork
  • Innovativeness

Catat Ulasan

2 Ulasan

  1. Daripada 0 disini bermulanya mendapat ilmu. Sebagai seorang pekerja restoran, tiada halangan utk terus belajar... buat adik2 smue, jgn tk bljr,semua bolh blajor yerr.

  2. Admin ucapkan Tahniah buat anda, smoga terus maju Habak
